Mercedes-Benz Steering Lock Repair

Introduction Owners of Mercedes-Benz vehicles may be familiar with the Electronic Steering Lock (ESL), a crucial part of the car’s security system. This feature prevents the steering wheel from being used when the car is off. However, over time, the ESL can malfunction due to wear and tear, necessitating diagnosis and repair by a qualified … Read more

Mercedes ESL ELV Ignition Switch Steering Lock Repair W169 W245 W202 W210 W208 W171 W639 W906


Do you have a Mercedes key that has suddenly stopped working in the ignition? Does it not turn on the ignition anymore?

A common problem that Mercedes owners often experience is that the key no longer turns in the ignition. This problem is usually caused either by a lousy shifter module, a defective key, a failed Electronic Ignition Switch (EIS), or a bad steering lock module (ESL).

Common faults
Key turns but won’t crank or start
No dash lights when key is inserted or turned
Problems can begin intermittently, and can be temperature related until complete failure

MB Universal Steering Lock Emulator ELV ESL Plug & Drive | W169 W245 W202 W203 W208 W210 W211 W639 W906


MB Universal Steering Lock Emulator ELV ESL Plug & Drive | W169 W245 W202 W203 W208 W210 W211 W639 W906. Quickly solve Mercedes steering lock ELV module problems. If your steering lock is failing you can use this device to bypass your steering lock system. Useful when your key not turning or car is not starting due to steering lock is failing and you do not wish to replace entire steering column.

Steering Lock Emulator ELV / ESL CAS2 CAS3 | BMW E60 E87 E90 3 Series 5 Series


Quickly solve steering lock ELV module problems. If your steering lock is failing you can use this device to bypass your steering lock system.

Useful when your steering lock is failing and you do not wish to replace entire steering column.

Remove the 4-pin connector from your ELV, attach the connector to the emulator and start the vehicle.

BMW / MINI CAS2 CAS3 Module ELV (Electrical Steering Lock) Unlocking Delete


This is a ELV (Electrical Steering Lock) Unlocking or Emulator (or Delete*) Service for All BMW / MINI Models equipped with CAS 2 and CAS 3 and Modules (Car Access System).

*Only applicable to vehicles equipped with CAS3

This is useful when your vehicle fails to start because of the following reasons:

  • No Ignition Possible.
  • Keys Not being recognized.
  • Steering Lock Symbol Shown on Dash

Mercedes EIS Ignition Switch Repair (All models)


Do you have a Mercedes key that no longer starts or has suddenly stopped working in the ignition? Does it not turn on the ignition anymore?

A common problem that Mercedes owners often experience is that the key no longer turns in the ignition. This problem is usually caused either by a lousy shifter module, a defective key, a failed Electronic Ignition Switch (EIS), or a bad steering lock module (ESL).

Common faults
Key turns but won’t crank or start
No dash lights when key is inserted or turned
Problems can begin intermittently, and can be temperature related until complete failure