
BMW EGS Mail-in Reset Unlock Transmission Mechatronics 6HP 8HP


Plug and Play Mail-in Service for BMW EGS Reset Unlock of a used Transmission Mechatronics 6HP 8HP to allow vehicle to go into gear again.


Unlock BMW Transmission Mechatronics

Used Transmission not going into Drive?

Installing a used BMW Transmission or Mechatronics may cause the Vehicle to not go into Gear. This is due to a EGS EWS security system mismatch and a Transmission Programming Reset Unlock Service is required. Our Mail-in BMW EGS Reset Service will solve this problem and help you get your vehicle back on the road.

This is a BMW EGS Reset Mail-in service where you send your Mechatronics unit (without valve body) to Bench Reset Unlock. Installation is plug and play and no additional programming is required.

Alternatively you can use our BMW EGS Remote Reset Unlock Service to Remedy this problem entirely remotely.

This Service is for Reset of BMW vehicles with used 6HP 8HP DKG DCT EGS7 Transmission Mechatronics. Reset will remedy the problem of vehicle not going into gear after used Transmission or Mechatronics is installed.

After this service your transmission will be able to go into gear and vehicle will drive.
You will have to remove and ship us the mechatronics unit.
When you receive the mechatronics unit install is Plug and Play.

This Service is for most BMW E/F/G Series

550i X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 750i
E65 E66 E70 F01 F02 F07 F10 F15 F25 F22 F30
ZF 8HP45, ZF 8HP50, ZF 8HP51, ZF 8HP70, HP90, DKG, EGS7

What You will need

  • Remove the Mechatronics Unit (without valve body)
  • Purchase this service and let us know the packaged size
  • Wait for us to Receive module and Perform Service
  • Receive Reset Module and Reinstall/Test

EGS EWS Reset Services

Automatic ZF Transmission (6 speed or 8 speed)
Reset + Virginizing + VIN Transfer Service
Reset/virginize/transfer VIN on your used BMW ZF mechatronic (TCU/TCM).
In the E series vehicles only the E70, E71 and E84 models come with EWS security
E70 and E71 from 2009> are fitted with the 8HP, earlier are fitted with a 6HP.
All car models in F/G series come with EWS security for the transmission.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 50 × 40 × 30 cm

6HP E70/E71, 6HP F series, 8HP F/G series, DKG DCT or EGS7

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